Today, the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited (SGX) announced its rules to enable SPACs to list on the Mainboard of the SGX. With this framework, companies have yet another capital markets avenue to a listing on the SGX. The SGX’s SPACs rules differ in some respects from the framework set out in the consultation paper on Proposed Listing Framework for Special Purpose Acquisition Companies released by the SGX on 31 March 2021 (Consultation Paper), reflecting the results of the SGX’s engagement with stakeholders after receiving strong market interest in responding to the Consultation Paper and general support for a SPACs listing framework.

Our 1 April 2021 update on the Consultation Paper is available here.

If you would like information or assistance on the above or any other area of law, you may wish to contact the Partner at WongPartnership whom you normally deal with or any of the following Partners:

Gail ONG
Head – Equity Capital Markets
d +65 6416 8205
Click here to see Gail’s CV.

James CHOO
Partner – Equity Capital Markets
d +65 6416 2418
Click here to see James’ CV.

Annabelle YIP
Joint Head – Corporate Governance & Compliance
d +65 6416 8249
Click here to see Annabelle’s CV.