WongPartnership welcomes new hire to its Commercial & Corporate Disputes Practice

08 Jul 2022

Singapore, 8 July 2022 – WongPartnership LLP is pleased to welcome Alessa Pang as a Partner of the Firm's Commercial & Corporate Disputes Practice. Alessa specialises in international arbitration and litigation. Her legal career has seen her handle a wide range of cross-border commercial disputes before international arbitral tribunals, as well as before the Singapore courts. Alessa has acted for clients in ad hoc and institutional arbitration proceedings under SIAC, ICC, LCIA, HKIAC, UNCITRAL and ICSID Rules.


Said Chou Sean Yu, Group Head of WongPartnership’s Litigation & Dispute Resolution Group, “We warmly welcome Alessa to the Firm. Alessa's experience and expertise further strengthens our Firm's position as one of the largest international arbitration practices in the region and we look forward to her contributions."


In addition to her international arbitration practice as counsel, Alessa also sits as an arbitrator in SIAC administered arbitrations. Her extensive experience extends to arbitration-related court proceedings that have seen her acting for clients in setting aside proceedings, applications for anti-suit injunctions and other court applications arising out of ongoing arbitration proceedings. Her significant work highlights include acting for an African parastatal body in Mauritius-seated SIAC arbitration proceedings and continuing to advise the client in the application to set aside the award before the Mauritius Supreme Court and in the subsequent appeal to the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council.


Prior to joining WongPartnership, Alessa practised at another Singapore law firm. Alessa previously spent two months on secondment to a Philippine law firm, where she assisted with Philippine-seated arbitration proceedings and advised clients on disputes arising from infrastructure projects in the Philippines.


Alessa was the appointed Regional Representative for the South Asia Chapter of the ICC Young Arbitrators Forum (YAF) for the 2019 to 2021 mandate. She is also a tutor for the Arbitration module for the SILE Part B Bar Examinations Course.


Alessa graduated from the National University of Singapore and is admitted to the Singapore Bar.


To read Alessa’s full biography, click here.


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About WongPartnership


Headquartered in Singapore, WongPartnership is a market leader and one of the largest law firms in the country. We offer our clients access to our offices in China and Myanmar, and in Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines, through the member firms of WPG, a regional law network. Together, WPG offers the expertise of over 400 professionals to meet the needs of our clients throughout the region.

About WPG, a regional law network

WongPartnership brings together a group of five prominent law firms across seven countries in a collaboration to provide clients with legal services in ASEAN, China and the Middle East. The WPG law network comprises WongPartnership and its member firms Al Aidarous Advocates and Legal Consultants (Middle East), Foong & Partners (Malaysia), Makes & Partners (Indonesia) and ZGLaw (Philippines). Doing business together is not only better, it is now easier.

WPG. Winning Partnerships. Leading Excellence.

For media enquiries, please contact:

Jarrod Ng
Chief Operating Officer
DID: +65 6416 8095
Email: jarrod.ng@wongpartnership.com

Debbie Ng
Associate Director – Marketing & Communications
DID: +65 6416 8066
Email: debbie.ng@wongpartnership.com

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