Nick CHIAM is a Partner in the Intellectual Property, Technology & Data Group.

His main practice areas cover intellectual property, technology, media, telecommunications, and cyber / data matters. He has broad expertise in regulatory, transactional, enforcement and advisory projects across a diverse range of commercial & government sectors.

Nick handles complex technology, media, data, and digital innovation projects across diverse sectors, including work involving digital platforms / services / products, e-commerce, artificial intelligence, fintech, hardware-software integration, collaboration, outsourcing, XaaS rollouts, technology procurement, and critical infrastructures.

His practice also encompasses the full spectrum of IP / IT matters, including assignment / licensing and M&A transactions involving IP / IT assets. He offers strategic counsel on IP / IT protection and portfolio management across the content lifecycle: creation, distribution, and exploitation. He also handles pre-dispute stages such as co-existence negotiations.

On the data privacy & cybersecurity front, he regularly advises on practical compliance strategies, digital asset management, cross-border transfers, information disclosure, time-sensitive cyber / data incident response, post-incident recovery and remediation, technology risk management, as well as handling enforcement actions.

His expertise extends to strategy, compliance, licensing, and handling of regulatory actions relating to digital services, broadcasting, telecommunications, media / entertainment, gaming, healthcare, consumer protection and product safety.

Nick regularly teaches at courses offered by the IP Academy (Singapore) under IPOS International. He is also appointed as Adjunct Lecturer with the Singapore Management University Yong Pung How School of Law, specialising in researching, designing and teaching jurisprudence, legal & moral philosophy, ethics, and social responsibility programmes at both undergraduate (e.g. LLB) as well as graduate (e.g. Juris Doctor) levels.

Nick graduated magna cum laude (with high honours) from the Singapore Management University within the top 10% of his cohort. He is admitted to the Singapore Bar.

Significant transactions that Nick has been involved in include advising / acting for the following:

  • A blockchain analytics platform on intellectual property, technology, and data matters, including strategic management of key intangible assets across global operations.
  • A statutory board in Singapore to support the launch of Singapore's first-of-its-kind sector-specific data exchange featuring integrations for the handling of API connections, as well as marketplace and other mission-critical transactional features.
  • A prominent international technology services company on its high-profile launch of its flagship entertainment platform in Singapore, featuring multi-modal programming and over-the-top channels.
  • A prominent technology company on the sale and deployment of security and patrol robots in Singapore, involving media capture technologies, cross-border data transfers, as well as cloud processing of personal data.
  • A prominent client on the successful expansion of its collaborative digital platform for the management of renewable energy attributes, as well as the launch of new digital initiatives and dashboarding features for innovative environmental attribute portfolio management.
  • Major financial institutions in Singapore on their electronic banking and other digitalisation initiatives, including connectivity solutions and adoption of new payment rails.

Related Practices

  • Cyber Security
  • Data Protection
  • Intellectual Property
  • Intellectual Property Disputes
  • Technology & Media
  • Telecommunications